The Alien Technology ALR-8698 is a high-performance, worldwide, circular-polarized antenna for use
in demanding applications. Both the ALR-8698 and ALR-8697 antenna utilize the same form-factor
but offer different gain. The ALR-8698 is a 11dBic (US)/ 10dBic (EU) gain antenna for use with Alien’s
mid-range readers.
The Alien Technologies ALR-8698 antenna is circularly polarized panel antenna that provides reception
and transmission of signals in the 865-928 MHz frequency band. The design methodology achieves
maximum efficiency and performance
across the entire frequency band and
tag orientations.
Both VSWR and axial ratios are
both excellent and allow the user to
achieve the maximum performance
for an antenna of this type. The
antenna is housed in a heavy duty
radome enclosure that can be directly
wall mounted via standard VESA
mounting techniques.
Bothe the ALR-8698 and ALR-8697
antenna have exactly the same
footprint so can be interchanged if
needed and both have the same inset
reverse TNC connector that helps to
protect it from knocks and damage.